Want To Change
Your NAME?
Go To Germany And Legalize Your Femme Name!
The following information from Germany involves trans- sexuals but also has an indirect value for transvestites since many such transvestites are, or intend to, living fulltime as women. Since the article points out that it might be pos- sible to have a name changed without actually having the sex- change operation, many in the United States and Canada would like to see a similar law in effect in these countries:
"Although it does not directly involve transvestites, a new law has been voted by the West German Parliament in June which might interest the readers of TRANSVESTIA, It is said to be the most advanced law ever to be pronounced by a Parlia- ment in this matter. The new law was designed to help 'such persons that would like to change their GENDER status for physical or psychological reasons.'
In the near future, the transsexual living in Cermany either can ask to have his (or her) name changed ONLY (the so-called minimum solution) or, ask for an official statement that he shall now be considered as belonging to the opposite sex (the maximum solution). Either of such decisions will be pronounced by a Federal Judge. In the case of the maximum solution, it will be necessary that an operation has been per- formed which changed the petitioner in such a way says the new law, that his external appearance now resembles closely that of a member of the other sex.
The law was voted on after several years of discussion and preparation. Even if the discussion in Patliament showed different points of view, the vast majority agreed that transsex- uals live under great strain and severe discrimination, making it necessary to help them as far as legislation can go.